Does it make me a bad person not to become a fan of all of the LDS apostles on Facebook? What is that in the service of anyway? I thought that we were supposed to become a fan of something if we were truly interested in it. That way, we can get excited when we find out that other people have our same unique interests.
I'm going straight to hell for that last paragraph. I'm certain that there are people who truly mean to be "fans" of these people and things. But to me, it just seems like a horrible Mormon bandwagon to jump on. On your home page, you see that someone became a fan of some church leader, and you don't really feel comfortable passing that statement by until you become a fan as well. You'll feel horrible unless you do.
I protest. As much as the world of Facebook is a joke anyway, I absolutely refuse to be psychologically coerced into becoming fans of "Mr. Whatsis" or "Something-or-other" bogus cause on Facebook. If there is anywhere I can maintain complete autonomy, let me do it in the world of virtual reality.
Do I honestly need a tag on my Facebook page for my spirituality to be understood?
Oh, and if you do perhaps think I'm a bad person for such musings, just make sure you collect all fifteen on Facebook so that you can have a complete set.
I think it's a little blasphemous (for lack of a better word) my self. A little irreverent...or something...I dunno, it just feels weird to me.
sacrilegious maybe? I need to learn more words so I can express myself better...
Maybe I should become a fan of Webster's dictionary... Sorry you think you got three comments but they're actually just me going on and on and on :)
Amen. I feel the same way about those chain emails that say, "If you really love Jesus, you'll forward this to 15 people." I'm pretty sure Jesus doesn't care.
Just like I'm sure the apostles don't care who's a fan of them on facebook.
But superficial faith is so much easier than the real thing.
And much easier to post about on facebook.
I think your opinions are very valuable and worth a lot. I am glad to see that you challenge what is expected to be obvious.
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